(The above picture may be slightly out of focus for a reason. Our focus is to be on Jesus, not one another.)
The "Meet the Staff" page mentions some of the ministries of OBC and has a picture of who is involved with those ministries, but we created this "Ministries" page to give you a better understanding of these ministries.
Administration Sandy Morgan takes care of general office duties. Along with Pastor Tony, Sandy takes care of such things as obtaining visitor information which can be used for follow-up work, printing the Sunday bulletins each week, and keeping the Church directory up to date.
Children's The Childrens Ministry at Orchard strives to provide a fun and educational environment that lays the foundation for a lifelong relationship with God. We focus on applying Gods Word to our lives and using our talents and skills to impact others in our community. Our sincere hope is that the children will be encouraged and motivated after leaving class.
Congregational/Personal These are ministries that have not been assigned by human leadership, but by the Holy Spirit. Ministries that individual people do, that may not have any title to them, may not receive recognition, but are beneficial to the Church. "Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly: As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Eph 4:16 NLT
Deacons The many duties as Deacon of the Orchard Baptist Church include several components: Consult with the pastor on church policy, advise pastor on day-to-day operations of the church, be a sounding board for ideas from our pastor, publicly support our pastor in his decisions, be a conduit between the pastor and the congregation, give suggestions to our pastor on church needs and other duties as needed.
Discipleship Though some discipleship takes place through preaching and teaching of God’s Word in general, we are also offering a more focused ministry specifically on discipleship that consists of the material that is on the “Discipleship” page of the Church website, and the far greater amount of material that this page gives a link to. That material consists of 37 pages that use a “question and already provided answer” format to take one through all of the basic aspects of the Christian life. By actively studying and responding to this material, it guides one through the discipleship process. Help can also be received by sending questions or comments back to us on our website.
Fellowship "Tuesdays With Jesus" currently begins at 6 p.m. in a home, with a potluck style meal. Some people may not always attend the meal but come a little later for what takes place after the meal. We then have a time of fellowship mixing open discussion over some Bible verses we have been asked to select, study, and then share with the group. Each week is different with new topics and discussions throughout the Bible.
Financial The duties as treasurer of the Orchard Baptist Church include collecting the tithe offerings from the congregation, recording the donations, and depositing the funds into the church account. Throughout the year we disburse monies to our local organizations for our tithe. We give to the Southern Nevada Baptist Association, Nevada Baptist Convention, Las Vegas Rescue Mission, and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
Homeless The Homeless Ministry at Orchard is organized by the Childrens Ministry and funded by donations from the church members. We are so proud of the children as they are the ones who pack and prepare the homeless bags we hand out. Each bag contains a pair of socks, an emergency blanket, water, snacks, and helpful information. Our membership hand out the bags to those in need throughout the week. This ministry plays an important part in teaching the children about helping others. Above all it gives us a chance to share Gods love with those who are in need.
Left Behind This is a ministry in which people can pick up free Bibles, church and evangelistic materials off the table at the back of the church. They can then leave them in such places as waiting rooms, public bathrooms, grocery stores, and other public or even private buildings that they visit. Thus the title "Left Behind." This isn't to say that they can just hand some of these things to people as well.
Metro Police OBC shows support, appreciation, and encouragement to the men and women of law enforcement by having the pastor go every Friday night to sit in on their briefings. He is available for counseling, ride alongs, and prayer with any of the officers and detectives. The church also purchases snacks for them to eat during their shifts that so often do not give them a break to enjoy a meal. It is such a blessing that the Lord has allowed us to have this ministry.
Missions As a Southern Baptist Church, Orchard Baptist Church supports "The Lottie Moon" international missions ministry, and "The Annie Armstrong" national ministry. In addition it supports the Las Vegas Rescue Mission.
Music Kim Sword and Brenda Solet coordinate with Pastor Tony Mayberry before Sunday on what the message is going to be on. They then pick appropriate songs for the service, and Preston Bolliger and Brian Morgan prepare for the video and audio support to project it for the congregation to sing along with. Greg Merrill occasionally produces music to go along the Church memory verse for the month. Various selections of music are also posted on the Church websites.
Pastoral Tony Mayberry is the pastor of the church. He will marry, bury, and anything necessary, as the old saying goes. He is also a charter school teacher. Pastor, teacher, and the father in his family of four, he has a full plate of duties he performs, including a ministry to the Metro-Police of Las Vegas.
Prayer Prayer is such a basic thing (as basic as breathing) that all Christians SHOULD be involved in some way of praying for the various aspects of the Church. Use the following link to see a host of ways that a prayer ministry can involve. A Manual For The Prayer Coordinator (ministerialassociation.org) 1Th 5:21
Signs and Setup This is such an important ministry that Jeff Solet and his family perform for us. Having a sign by Durango advertises to many people that there is a church at the YMCA people can go to. More signs direct them where to go, preventing them from being discourage or uncomfortable in trying to find where the church meets exactly. If things weren't set up inside the building, we would have a hard time having a service at all.
Support On the "Meet the Staff" page, Regina Solet is pictured because of her much support, but she only represents many who support the church by giving financially and prayerfully. Others support the church by leaving a "like", "share", "subscribe", or an encouraging "comment" on our websites. Whatever ministry people are involved in, we see them in the "Support" ministry, and are so thankful for them.
Teaching Age wise our teaching begins with Ms. Kristin (the pastor's wife) teaching the children in Children's church, added by their teenage daughter, Lily. It is our desire that our parents also teach their children the things of God in their homes. Pastor Tony combines preaching and teaching Sunday mornings. This teaching can be viewed over and over on the "Sermons" page. "Tuesdays with Jesus" is a home study that is a mutual time of fellowship and teaching, announcing to the church the subject in advance and encourages each one to share something on the subject selected. Finally, there is a wealth of material that teaches Biblical subjects that can be found by using our "Links" page.
Website You are presently on the Church website, and we also have Facebook and Youtube websites. We are continually adding things for you on all three of these sites, striving to serve you through providing things that will enhance your spiritual fellowship, help you to grow in Christ, and provide you with a number of resources to directly share with both the saved and unsaved alike, or to give to them over the Web. In this way we help you fulfill your call to minister to others.
Worship Worship can take place in one's heart by an act of their will to make the choice to worship before they even come to church. The worship "ministry" involves people like Kim Sword and Brenda Solet who choose music that will support the pastor's sermon choice. Brian Morgan also works from the back of the room with how that music is presented. Preston Bolliger creates and projects slides to accompany the music and the sermon, and Pastor Tony prepares and presents a sermon to bring us the Word of the Lord. All of these things work together to create an atmosphere in which to remind us to choose to enter into worshipping the Lord together during the service. Making that choice to worship at times is obvious to others, who in turn join in that worship as well. Don't forget, the Holy Spirit Himself is in the background behind all of this, motivating, urging, and directing us in the worship God desires.